Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) 

Online DOC measurement is carried out by using measuring UV absorbance, typically at 254nm, and relating the absorbance to a dissolved organic carbon value. DOC characterisation can be carried out by using multiple UV wavelengths, from this information about how hydrophobic/hydrophilic the organics are as well as their molecular weight can be determined.

DOC measurement is often used as part of a SUVA (Specific Ultraviolet Absorbance) measurement which again seeks to provide more information about the nature of the organic material in water.

Our products, your world.

Products for this application


An online UV-Vis spectrophotometer for DOC measurement for drinking water and raw water.


Versatile BOD Photometer for Multi-Parameter Water Quality Analysis

Compass Coagulation Control system

An automatic coagulation control system using online NOM characterisation to optimise coagulation.

Here are some related articles from us

Understanding carbon flux using online dissolved organic carbon (DOC) sensors in a catchment area

s::can spectro::lysers are the defacto standard for organic carbon monitoring because of their proven track record in their ability to measure DOC accurately in rivers, oceans and reservoirs.

Organic Carbon monitoring in the environment

Since the 2013 report from the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC), a major effort has been made to understand the migration of carbon from the land to the ocean via the catchment drainage systems in the UK.

Compass Automated Coagulation Control System from PMA – A Case Study

In 2011, a Compass trial was set up at the challenging 136ML/day Mythe WTW, here’s what we discovered.

The future of Coagulation Control in Water Treatment

Achieving reliable automatic coagulation control is something many water companies struggle to maintain in highly variable (flashy) catchment areas. These areas can be at one time or another; typically low in particulates with a moderate to high natural organic matter (NOM) content or vice versa.

Ensure organics removal with Compass EOR – the advanced coagulation control system

Reduced DBP formation potential by utilising multiple UV wavelength analysis for NOM characterisation and effective organics removal.

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