TOC (Total Organic Carbon)

TOC is a measure of the total amount of carbon present in a water sample.

High TOC in raw water comes from decaying natural organic matter (NOM) as well as synthetic sources.

Before raw water is treated TOC provides an estimate of the amount of NOM in it.

In treated water, TOC can be a valuable measurement in estimating the likelihood of chlorinated disinfection byproducts (DBPs) forming.


It is a common measurement in water treatment plants as it It is traditionally determined in a laboratory which is a time consuming and skilled procedure. By utilising UV-Vis spectroscopy, TOC can be estimated in real time allowing process control.


In wastewater treatment works, TOC can be a useful parameter to monitor on the inlet to give a better understanding of incoming loads.

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Products for this application


An online multi-parameter UV-Vis spectrophotometer for TOC measurement


TOC UV-Absorption Photometer for Multi-Parameter Water Quality Analysis

Here are some related articles

Understanding DOC and TOC through a catchment area

s::can spectro::lysers are the defacto standard for organic carbon monitoring because of their proven track record in their ability to measure DOC and TOC accurately in rivers, oceans and reservoirs.

Ensuring water quality in RAS applications

RAS are finely balanced ecosystems, requiring careful control of the water quality to maximise yields and avoid a catastrophic loss of stock.  Utilising simple pH and dissolved oxygen(DO) control sometimes isn’t sufficient.

Ensure TOC removal in drinking water filtration

In this case study from s::can, the efficacy of ceramic filtration for the provision of drinking water is monitored using a 35mm i::scan sensor to simultaneously measure TOC, UV254 and turbidity.

Event detection in groundwater sources

Monitoring of drinking water sources for contaminants requires an advanced event detection system based on UV-Vis spectroscopy and not just parameters. Pollution into groundwater can take many forms and by using event detection software, a flexible and intelligent system can provide the protection that is required.

Organic carbon migration monitoring

To understand carbon migration through the watercourses of the UK, several teams of researchers have received NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) funding and written up their findings in internationally recognised scientific journals. All this work has been aimed at understanding the loss of carbon from the land to the sea and emphasising the importance the monitoring water quality in real time, using state of the art technology.

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