UV254 and %UVT

UV254 is the absorbance of light at 254nm, a typical parameter used in water treatment to determine the amount of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) present in real time. It is also sometimes called UVA (UV Absorbance).


Many organics in raw water, such as humic substances, are aromatic and exist in relatively high concentrations. Such organics are known to be a precursor of disinfection by products (DBP). UV254 therefore provides one of the best indicators to whether organics are being removed throughout a water treatment process.


The reciprocal measurement of UV254 is %UVT. This is the same measurement but expresses the result as a in terms of how much light is transmitted through the sample relative to pure water.

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Products for this application


An advanced online UV-Vis spectrophotometer for measuring multiple parameters simultaneously

Compass coagulation control system

A coagulation control system utilising differential UV-Vis spectroscopy for advanced NOM characterisation in real time

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