
Online nitrite measurement can be carried out via either an UV absorbance method or a colorimetric method.

Nitrite has an absorbance peak at low UV wavelengths and due to the low maintenance of operating a UV sensor and the wide dynamic it offers, is often the preferred method.

In some applications, it may be preferable to combine chromatography with UV analysis in order to ensure separation of nitrate and nitrite prior to UV analysis.

For low levels of nitrite, a colorimetric method is often used.

Our products, your world.

Products for this application


An industrial colorimeter for wastewater measurement of nitrite

Online Colorimetric Analyser


A user friendly nitrite colorimeter for the drinking water industry.


An online UV sensor for nitrite measurement and more in drinking water and wastewater applications


A new approach to nitrate and nitrite measurement combining chromatography prior to UV analysis for online nitrate and nitrite analysis

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