Oil in Water Monitoring with the TDHI TD-120

2025 is a pivotal year. Industries worldwide strive for environmental sustainability while maintaining operational efficiency. The Turner Designs TD-120 Oil in Water Analyser has become a crucial tool in this context. It provides accurate, real-time oil in water detection. This supports better operations and less environmental harm.

Oil in Water monitors

Whether you need portable or online oil in water(OIW)monitoring, ensure you’re using the best available technology and use the UV fluorescence-based method from Turner Design Hydrocarbon Instruments.


The TD-120 Oil in Water Analyser stands out for its low maintenance requirement. No sample preparation, reagents, or instrument air supply is needed. The device’s LED and optical sensors have a long life, providing over 5 years of operation with minimal maintenance or spare parts costs.

The New TD120

Oil monitoring made simple

Oil in water measurement for today’s needs. We are pleased to announce the next generation of oil in water measurement with the TD-120 oil in water monitor.

Benefits of using the TD-120

  • Compact design allows for easy installation. Less than 1 second instant response.
  • Remote flowcell allows user to easily switch optical configuration as needed.
  • Low cost of ownership – no reagents or additional instrumentation are needed for operation.
  • Extended dynamic range (up to 6,000 ppm).
  • Touch screen interface allows for fast configuration and set-up.

  • 4-20mA or HART Communication (optional).
  • 316 SS Electronics Enclosure – NEMA 4X/IP 66 rated 316SS wetted metallic parts standard (other materials available for marine applications).
  • Password protection available.
  • Accuracy – ±1% with direct calibration.

Simple Accurate Reliable

Turner Designs Hydrocarbon Instruments has been the world leader in oil in water monitoring for more than 20 years. The TD-120 Oil in Water Monitor was developed based on our extensive real-world experience and offers UV fluorescence technology with industry leading features. The TD-120 is available with either a standard care package or custom care package to match the needs of your site conditions and application. The customer care packages include calibration to known standards or calibration to your target hydrocarbon, using sample analysis—making your installation and start-up process trouble free. The TD-120 is ideal for detection of oil leaks and spills for heat exchangers, boilers, and membrane systems as well as optimization of water treatment systems.

With low detection limits and greatly extended detection range, the TD-120 provides the necessary tools and ease of use to meet today’s complex oil in water needs.

Internal tablet interface for quick setup and calibration.
New auto-valve capabilities: temperature protection, fresh water flush, and process isolation.
Minimal maintenance
Low cost of ownership – no reagents or additional instrumentation are needed for operation.

Download the TD-120 Brochure

If you need to read more about the TD-120 and download it for reading later, click below. If you need to ask any questions please scroll down to the bottom of this page to contact us. A member of our experienced team would be happy to help.

For over 20 years, the advanced UV Fluorescence-based instrumentation from Turner Designs has been the world leader in online oil in water monitoring.

To contact us, or to request a callback, simply use the form below and we will promptly get back to you.

We greatly value all of the inquiries which our products and services generate and we are very confident that we will have the right solution available for you at the first point of contact when you reach our experienced team of engineers.